Dansk Transport Emballage A/S
Dansk Transport Emballage A/S er et handelsselskab, med mere end 30 års erfaring inden for emballage af plast. Virksomheden har specialiseret sig i transportemballage af plast til industrien, både food- og nonfood-industrien, og dækker de fleste brancher fra fødevare- til maskinbranchen. Virksomheden har i dag et bredt standardsortiment, men arbejder også med kunde specifikke løsninger.
Dansk Transport Emballage A/S er grossist for nationale og internationale producenter fra Danmark, Israel, Tyskland, Holland, Belgien, Frankrig, Norge, Sverige, Østrig og Schweiz.
Mål og strategi
Med 30 års erfaring inden for emballage af plast og med et omfattende netværk blandt verdens bedste producenter af plastemballage stræber Dansk Transport Emballage A/S efter at være kundernes troværdige totalleverandører af plastemballage. Vi arbejder hele tiden på at udbygge vores netværk blandt danske og udenlandske producenter, mens lagerkapaciteten konstant udvides.
Vores mange års erfaring i branchen og vores vidtgående samarbejde med kunder og leverandører i branchen, samt vores dygtige medarbejdere, sikrer os en stærk position på markedet.
Dansk Transport Emballage A/S is a trading company with more than 30 years of experience in packaging made from plastic. The company specializes in industrial plastic transport packaging for both the food and non-food industries, covering most industries from food to machinery. The company currently offers a wide standard range, and works also with specific customer solutions, too.
Dansk Transport Emballage A/S is a wholesaler to domestic and international manufacturers from Denmark, Israel, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Norway, Sweden, Austria and Switzerland.
Objectives and strategy
With 30 years of experience within transport packaging and with an extensive network among the world's leading manufacturers of plastic packaging, Dansk Transport Emballage A/S strives to be the customer's trusted total supplier of plastic packaging. We are continuously working to expand our network of Danish and foreign manufacturers, while constantly expanding our storage capacity.
Our many years of experience in the industry and our extensive cooperation with customers and suppliers in the industry, as well as our skilled employees, ensures us a strong position in the market.